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The Go Kart

Even if my parents could have afforded to purchase a motorcycle, motorized scooter or anything with wheels and a motor prior to me getting a driver’s license, it still would have been hard to convince my mother to let me have one because she was fearful that I would crash and hurt myself. To her credit, she had good reason …

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The Chrome Bike Light

One day, my dad decided that he would bring home a gift for me when I was about 11 years old. I don’t know where he got it, but it was a large, chrome light that was supposed to be mounted to the handlebars of my bike. It looked alot like those aerodynamic lights that you used to see mounted …

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Grandmother And The Chair

We all called her “Grandmother.” In reality, she was my father’s grandmother and my great-grandmother. Anne Matilda McCaleb (née Farrar) was born on May 8, 1887 and died February 3, 1983 at the age of 95, just a little over four years shy of her 100th birthday. There was never any confusion among the family when speaking of Grandmother because …

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The Rebel Gene

I’m expecting any day now to hear or to read of an announcement by scientists working on the Human Genome Project that they’ve finally isolated and identified the Rebel Gene. Being born and bred in the Deep South, I admit that I have a vested interest in this, but I am awaiting confirmation that people with rebellious spirits (including myself) …

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Spots In My Eyes & Ringing in My Ears…

Sometimes life walks up and hands me a soapbox onto which I can’t help but climb. There are those who tell me that the number of soapboxes you find increases exponentially the older you get. But I really don’t think this particular issue is just me. In fact, I believe this is one of those few cases, where I am …

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Green Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Is For Aliens

Pardon me while I climb up on my soapbox for a minute. The time has come for me to get something off my chest and it ain’t the grey hairs growing there. I’ve about had all I can stand and it’s driving me nuts. Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream eaters are some of the most inconsiderate people in the world …

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Windows XP vs. Vista

Recently at the Microsoft Financial Analyst Day at the Microsoft Redmond Campus in Redmond WA, CEO Steve Ballmer stated that by the end of 2008, Microsoft would have over 1 billion installed users of Windows. Ballmer said that this would mean that there would be more computers using Windows than automobiles in the world.

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BOLO Means “Bad Boy”

Have you ever been BOLO’d? Neither had I until last Saturday, and I have to say that it is doing wonders for my image. I’ve always been sort of squeakly, clean, geeky kinda guy. But now I have formally joined the ranks of the “Bad Boys!”

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It’s Cold Up Here

As I sit in my father-in-law’s den looking out of the window covered with thick plastic wrap used to lock out the cold, I can barely make out the blurry shapes of trees and the iced over driveway. What is unmistakable are the blobs of white covering everything and they look the same from behind the plastic as they do …

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Grog, The Fat Caveman

A gazillion years ago, a lonely single cell decided to divide and create a friend and though the process was primitive and untried, the cell heaved and pulled and pushed and in a moment of spontaneous creation split into two cells one slightly larger than the other one. The smaller cell looked at his former self and said, “Geez, that …

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